Apply For Membership
Membership Application
Warning - Please read before submitting
In completing this application, I hereby acknowledge that I have read and consent to being bound by the AOCRA Indemnity Agreement and abide by the Rules, Directions and Constitution of AOCRA Inc. and the club and to accept the terms, exclusions, conditions and limitations of OAMPS Injury and Legal Liability Insurance Contract.
I have read and understand the AOCRA Anti-Doping Policy as published at www.aocra.com.au. I agree that all fees are non-refundable.
I agree that I will assist with the running of the club by volunteering at regattas, helping with the loading, unloading and towing of the trailer, canoe rigging and de-rigging, washing of covers and general maintenance of the equipment and shed as required. I accept that any personal belongings stored in the club shed or transported on club trailers (including OC1s and OC2s) are not covered by Bayside OCC insurance policies.
I accept the club's risk management assessment (including all attachments) and agree to abide by the policies. If I fail to abide by the policies therein, I indemnify Bayside Outrigger Canoe Club Inc and hold it harmless against any liability, damage, cost of expense arising out of or in connection with any failure on my part to adhere to the risk management assessment and its attachments. Copies can be obtained from the Secretary as required.