Our Committee
As an incorporated association, our club is governed by a dedicated management committee elected by our members. With a strong commitment to transparency and democracy, our club structure provides an inclusive platform for members to actively participate in shaping the direction of the club and contributing to its continued success. Operating under a constitution and adhering to the rules and regulations set forth by the relevant governing bodies, we strive to create an environment that fosters growth, camaraderie, and a love for outrigger canoeing.
President and Founder - Cie Mason
Cie is a founding member of Bayside and has served on many committees over the years. She is committed to upholding the values and culture of Bayside.
Vice President - Christian Miskeljin
Christian has been a member of Bayside since the early years and has served on several committees. His knowledge has been invaluable to the management of the club.
Treasurer - Lisa Gooch
Lisa has had numerous stints on the Bayside committee as Treasurer, with 2023 being the most recent. She is focused on realigning our financial systems and processes to suit the needs of the club.
Secretary - Jessica Turi
Jess joined the committee in 2023 and has been an integral part of the committee's administration. Her main focus is on prioritising safety and continuing to promote the club values of family, support and youth.
Registrar - Ally Wharehinga
Wife to our late founder Rowe, Ally joined the committee to continue her husband's vision for the club - Rangatahi - Whanaungatanga - Mannaakitanga.
Committee Member - Shelley Wharehinga
Joining the committee in 2023, Shelley has been instrumental in the continued support and growth of the junior divisions.
Committee Member - Les Harmer
Les joined the committee in 2023 with a keen focus on being proactive. He has since become a vital contributor to both the commitee and the club as a whole.
Committee Member - Allen Houston
Allen has been an integral member of Bayside for quite some time. He is focused on ensuring the smooth operations of the club in general.
Committee Member - Henry Poutu
As Head Coach, Henry joined the committee with a primary focus of promoting community and transparency, both on and off the water.